Heart Home Magazine New Designer 2014
UK Trade & Industry Delegate, British Embassy, Paris. April 2014

Sunday 8 December 2013

We have a Winner!!!

Which one will it be Jo Smith?

Time to announce the lucky winner of my Christmassy wallpaper competition!  Two rolls of my wallpaper will be on their way to Jo Smith of Smith’s Upholstery, Glos.  Jo liked both designs so the pressure is on to choose which one she wants now!  Congratulations to Jo and thank you to everyone who entered!  

Hope your Christmases are warm, happy and full of cheer.


  1. Claire I am SOOOOO excited to have won!!!!! Coriolacae I think may have just won me over but they are both beautiful designs so makes its so difficult to choose. Can't wait to show off a feature wall in my showroom in the New Year!!!!! Thank-you so much!!!! Wishing you a very Merry Xmas xxxxx

  2. Claire
    help!!! - just about to paint workshop walls in the next week or so - just wondering which FB colour do you think will work best with both papers??? Hope you had a lovely Xmas just so excited for the New Year to start!

    1. Hi Jo,
      Happy New Year! I've replied via the form that came in to my inbox but not sure if you got it as it's a 'no-reply' thing. Anyway, I have been looking at colours for you and think that you might need a different colour to go with each paper. Here's my Farrow & Ball suggestions...
      Champignon - Manor House Grey 265, Pavillion Grey 242, and a rich, v dark Plummett 272
      Coriolacae - James White 2010, French Grey 18, and Pidgeon 25 (less convinced about the last one).
      It will be easier if you had the papers to see for yourself. Can you email me your address and I'll send you the rolls in the next day or so. I'm not sure if my messages have been getting through to you.
      Best wishes,
